My Newsletter Week

Copyright is something that I feel everyone should obtain because nothing should be stolen from anyone. I like copyrights because it prevents anything like that from occurring legally. Fairuse is also apart of copyright and it makes it just a little more flexible. Fairuse states that information can not be used unless credit is given and is related to the copyrighted material. I would deal with the concepts of copyrights and fair use as a teacher by keeping my students informed on how it works and the dos and don'ts of using such material. In order to create their own work, I would guide them away from what they think they know and encourage them to learn new things to develop their own words as well as myself. Technolgy implementation issues include things that hinder people from using technology. There are ways to avoid or get around such implementations. Technology implementations include things like academic dishonesty, cyberbullying, student privacy, lack of funding, an...