Technology From my VIewpoint

 My personal experiences with using Microsoft Word have been good. I say good to avoid saying easy. When I am using is simply for an assignment it was a breeze but when it came to taking a class essentially centered around knowing all the functions it became though. For my class, we had to follow strict instructions on completing assignments and it seemed I always knew of another way to complete the assignment which was easier. I felt the class was more on following the written directions and that made it difficult because the techniques seemed complex to me versus "my" way of doing things. I like Microsoft over all other because of the vast options I have to choose from for completing the task.

The ISTE Standards of Educators I choose was Collaborator. This is my favourite because it shows the most dedication to growth. I feel that no one is smarter than the next person but it is all about dedication to claim this knowledge to be your own. The collaborator standard speaks on getting assistance to better understand something that is foreign knowledge through means of colleagues and students. This takes admitting that you don't know everything and that you are open to learning which is the best. There are different levels and when it comes to technology everyone is on a different level from the next person. 

The label of being a digital native is one which I take a tremendous amount of pride in. With using technology we have shown to be a privilege and an advantage. I say an advantage because technology allows for things to be done faster and sometimes in a better way. My mom for example is a digital immigrant because she has little knowledge of technology and she is slowly but surely transitioning over to the native side. I believe she got tired of me saying mom you have to learn this stuff and that gave her enough motivation to learn and maintain these necessary skills we all need in today's society. 


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