
 This week's blog post will be on ELA standards. I learned today that the branch ELA is broader than just reading it covers all core subjects such as science, social studies and even history. The standard that I will be describing is standard LAFS.4.RI.3.7. This standard simply meanings being able to understand the material given to you so well that you are able to re-present it in another form such as visually, verbally, or even with making a chart or graph. I feel prepared to interpret this standard based on my current skills because I personally enjoy being able to interpret things in another way. I often see things in a different light from others and that helps me to be able to better grasp the concepts being presented.

For my resource, I chose English language arts and original student tutorials for language arts- grades k-5. With choosing this resource I was able to have seven items so that I would be better suited to teach things such as the difference between formal and informal English. I feel that this is important because writing is important and there are different methods of writing. Writing and speaking are two tools that go hand-in-hand, it's nearly impossible to have one without the other.

Internet searching is a valuable tool in today's society. Without being able to search the internet we would have to heavily rely on books to gather information which would take a lot of time. To be a teacher internet searching is an important and proficient skill to have because you won't always have time to get a book or run to another class to ask another teacher something important. The internet searching skills that were introduced this week I think I will use the skill of reverse image search moving forward. I often have to do online shopping so when I see something I like or need to buy I can just upload the picture to google so that I'm able to find that specific item. 


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