Who is Tee?

 Hello, my name is La'shay King but I go by Tee. I attend Florida State University with the major of Social Work and the minor of Psychology. I want to be in the position to help people the correct way and I feel that Social Work will help me do just that. I enjoy hanging out with friends but I know that school always comes first. 

My prior experience with technology in an educational setting has been great. I took a computer skills class in high school and I feel that it helped me tremendously. I was able to get my certification in Microsoft, Excell and Word for 2012 I believe. It was one of my most important classes because all my other classes involved some sort of technology and I was able to breeze through that work as well.

I absolutely love google. Without google, I have no idea where I would be in my academic career. Google has been my teacher for quite some time and it has been the best thus far. Google has a wide range of information that it is able to present to me at any given time. I have had teachers who have relied on google just as much as me and I have had to get most of my knowledge from the online platform. 

In closing that was just a little view into the life of Tee, hope you enjoyed. 


  1. Hey Tee, My name is shanette and I choose to reply to your blog because it is actually similar to mine. I enjoyed reading that your major helps to put you in the position to help others the right way. My major is Family and Child Science with a minor in Education. So if you think about we are like partners in the work field. In all , I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading your blog post and hope to hear more about your academic journey.


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