
For me, I definitely use Twitter the least of all my social media platforms. I was using it as a means of contacting friends who also use it. I felt for a while that Twitter was just a waste of space so I just deleted the app completely. Since re-downloading the app I have found a purpose for the app. I am happy that I can now use it for a more professional means of communication with others. 

The digital divide affects student success in schools by favouring those with access and placing those without access at a disadvantage. The digital divide is caused by some students having what others lack. I know that with being a teacher there will be many students and each will be different in their own way. I also have to expect the difference some of their at-home circumstances will vary. In the video the recommendation was made for teachers to dedicate a portion of class time to developing the student's technological abilities, this is what I would do to narrow the division. 

Two software tools that I would like to implement in my future classroom would have to be google docs and PowerPoint presentation. I chose these two because firstly with google docs it automatically saves. With this feature, it prevents you from losing anything in the case the power goes out or you hit a wrong key. I love this because I can't count the number of times something has gone extremely wrong while typing anything related to school. The other tool is the Powerpoint presentation. I've enjoyed PowerPoint since I was introduced to it. It allows for multiple options of creativity. My favourite feature is the one that alls the computer to give you an idea and then you are able to tweak it and make it into your own.


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