Blog 7

Teacher pages on a school website served as brochures. The pages present the information in a way that interests and encourages others to join. The example I used was the school of communication. It’s no wonder that the information is good at trying to recruit new people.

I envision myself using technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively by making sure all my students understand the information. If the child is unaware of how to use the technology it will ultimately be a waste. The specific teacher productivity tools I will use include google mostly. Google is by far the best tool to be used because it opens up a realm to so many other easy-to-use tools. 

My experience with working in the wiki platform (PB Works) was difficult. I didn’t enjoy it because the layout of the site seemed old and hard to navigate. I found myself having to teach myself certain functions because I wasn’t accustomed to the layout of things. I don’t see myself using this software with my future k-12 students because this would definitely be too difficult for 4th graders to comprehend or use. 


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