blog 10

 I think that as a teacher I will use data collection tools to see how my students really feel. The surveys would be anonymous so there is a more open space, to be honest. The results gathered from the survey would then be used in small talking circles to better understand the issue and make the class environment better over-all. For me, reading has always been easy but for some people, it simply isn't with the surveys for my fourth-grade class we could make classes better instantly. 

From reviewing my classmates' blogs I found their creativity most interesting. Looking at their blogs encouraged me to want to be more creative. The layouts were amazing and had little to no errors. The dedication and effort were clearly visible and overall enjoyed.

I would like to learn skills that will advance my skills. I want to explore more functions that will make each and every one of my presentation unique and different from the next. This is something I would like to do and consider a goal because this is something that I admire about others work. I always enjoy encouraging others who are doing things in life that I want to do in my own life.


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