blog 8

 Some of the new skills I acquired from working on the website design assignment this week included making pages. I found this to be interesting because I've always wanted to make a website. The other skills included using the nice features the website involves. Features include a divider and spacer adders between pages. I disliked that the functions weren't as simple to use as I originally thought. What I learned from the assignment can be used in my future career by allowing for the saving of information on public domains.

The new skills I learned working with Diigo made things simpler. Bring able to save your previously used links and cite them property helps. This application can be useful in class because it allows for citations to be accurate and useful in the academic community. My individual professional efforts include properly citing sources that I may have used o accelerate an assignment. 

Technology and teacher professional development are two things that go hand-in-hand. In the classroom I;m sure teachers see a bigger reason each day to learn more about technology. With this responsibility comes the burden of also having to educate students. It's important that teachers stay informed and educated on new advances in technology.

This site helps to keep teachers informed on all the latest developments in technology for today's society.


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